Urban Transformations is an inter- and transdisciplinary open access journal. We offer a publishing and discussion platform for people engaged in science, policy and practice, targeting real-life impact. We invite contributions that address transformative urban change in the global North and South, and help to practically shape it towards sustainability.
Aims and scope
Urban transformations are of vital importance for the future of humanity and ecosystem Earth. They demand deep and accelerated changes in urban patterns and processes across all spheres of life, and from local to global. New knowledge on the subject, dynamics and directions of urban change is dearly needed to shift current development trajectories in the global North and South towards sustainability.
We invite contributions from any disciplines addressing these issues. The journal seeks to deepen and broaden current understandings theoretically, empirically and methodologically. There is a need for novel perspectives, drawing on ontological and epistemological multiplicity, inter- and transdisciplinary approaches. We welcome comparative research designs, as well as innovative methods and techniques. Special attention will be given to outcomes from science-practice co-production and co-design.
We welcome the following article types:
- Research Original research work on the subject, dynamics or direction of urban transformations.
- Review Reviews explore, question, interpret or synthesize the available urban transformation literature on a selected topic.
- Analysis propose new research topics, approaches or concepts for advancing the science and practice of urban transformations.
- Perspective Short discussions that present thought-provoking arguments from researchers or practitioners.
- Case Studies Succinct and informative reports on outstanding practice cases of urban transformations.
Open article collections
Urban Experimentation and Learning. Green, Sustainable and Just Transformative Capacities?
Guest Editors:
Enza Lissandrello, PhD, Aalborg University, Denmark
Pia Laborgne, PhD, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Jonas Bylund, PhD, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Nacima Baron, PhD, Gustave Eiffel University, France
Submission Status: Open until 30 January 2025 -
Co-creation and co-production for transforming towns and cities with nature-based solutions
Guest Editors: Marcus J. Collier and Clair Cooper
Food transformations in African secondary cities
Guest Editors: Jonathan Crush and Liam Riley
Platform urbanism
Guest Editors: Federico Caprotti and I-Chun Catherine Chang
Beyond Urban Living Labs: The making of transformative urban innovation systems
Guest Editors: Marc Wolfram, Joe Ravetz and Christian Scholl
Co-producing urban sustainability transitions
Guest Editors: Niki Frantzeskaki and Marcus Collier
Transformative turn in planning
Guest Editors: Marc Wolfram and Markus Egermann
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Editors' selection
Urban governance arrangements for sustainability and justice – linking theory with experience
Jakob Kramer, Sophia Silverton & Philipp Späth (2024)
Contribute to our open article collections
Our ongoing article collections focus on selected topics and are open for submissions on a continuous basis.
Note: article collections can also be referred to as special issues or thematic collections.
Browse all articles
From pilot to practice: navigating pre-requisites for up-scaling sustainable urban solutions
Urban governance arrangements for sustainability and justice – linking theory with experience
Mapping the diversity & transformative potential of approaches to sustainable just cities
Art, science, and life: where arts-based research and social-ecological transformation can meet
Perspectives on urban transformation research: transformations in, of, and by cities
Scaling the impact of sustainability initiatives: a typology of amplification processes
Beyond the smart city: a typology of platform urbanism
Shifting landscapes of coastal flood risk: environmental (in)justice of urban change, sea level rise, and differential vulnerability in New York City
Understanding how city networks are leveraging climate action: experimentation through C40
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Particularly interesting articles are promoted via our BMC blog, where authors are invited to write a short piece summarizing their publication.
Annual Journal Metrics
Speed 2023
Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 33
Submission to acceptance (median days): 262Usage 2023
Downloads: 97,642
Altmetric mentions: 118
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