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Table 1 Operationalisation of reflexive governance based on Voß and Kemp (2006) and the transition management principles by Loorbach (2010)

From: A balancing act: radicality and capture in institutionalising reflexive governance for urban sustainability transitions


Reflexivity characteristics


Question for empirical case studies


Transdisciplinary knowledge production

Governance arrangement involves multiple actors in knowledge production

Who is involved in producing knowledge, specifically in defining the problem and the proposed solutions, and how is this organised?


Adaptivity of strategies and institutions

Governance arrangement allows for strategies and institutions to be adaptive to new insights

What mechanisms are in place to modify strategies and institutions?


Anticipation of long-term systemic effects of measures

Long-term systemic effects are considered in developing governance arrangement

To what extent and how is systems thinking embedded in the governance arrangement?


Iterative participatory goal formulation

Goals of the governance arrangement are developed in a participatory and iterative way

What structures are in place to revise and adapt goals in agenda-setting in an iterative and participatory way?


Interactive strategy development

Strategies for governance arrangement are developed interactively

What perspectives are involved in defining problems, visioning, agenda-setting, and learning, and how is this done?