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Table 5 Knowledge and Innovation (K&I) Hubs scope and capacities supported

From: Enabling urban systems transformations: co-developing national and local strategies

Potential scope of Knowledge and Innovation Hubs [and Capacities supported]

(1) National and international networking: [Capacities 2.2, 3.3, 3.5, 4.1, 4.3]

• As the local hub of a national K&I network and platform, contribute to national and international sharing of capabilities, knowledge and solutions; de-contextualised innovation acceleration, up-scaling and out-scaling; ‘whole-of-urban-systems’ understanding; toolkits/boundary objects to support strategic urban planning and community-centred engagement; and knowledge input to a National Urban Policy (see Table 4for potential National Urban Policy scope)

(2) Local cross-systems innovation collaborations: [Capacities 1.3, 2.1, 3.1-3.2, 3.4, 4.1-4.3]

• Facilitate transdisciplinary issue framing, experimentation, incubation, business models, and real-life solutions, combining diverse local engagement and experiential knowledge with national/global knowledge and practice, into social, ecological, technological and governance innovations

• Provide space and technologies for visualisation and open discussion of possible urban futures, challenges and proposals, with citizens, public and private actors, researchers

(3) Local cross-systems knowledge development, usage and learning: [Capacities 3.5, 4.1-4.5]

• Work with local/regional stakeholders, citizens and other more issues-based research/knowledge providers, to co-develop understanding of priority urban missions and related systems interdependencies and dynamics; identify priority knowledge needs and sources, including long-term data-gathering for research/modelling and KPI monitoring; and facilitate optimum use of existing knowledge and data, and transdisciplinary co-production of new knowledge

• Provide knowledge brokering, curation, analysis/synthesis, translation, presentation services; support reflexive social and organisational learning, collaborative research-policy-practice knowledge capabilities, and mainstreaming of knowledge into practice

(4) Supporting local strategic urban planning, governance and leadership: [Capacities 1.1-1.2, 3.1-3.4, 3.6]

• Support urban planning/coordinating agencies in developing their central roles of facilitating inclusive and coherent collaborative visioning, goal-setting, policy, planning, investment, innovation, monitoring and navigation, at metro/region to local scales

• Support local formal and informal leadership and decision-making, including empowerment and leadership of local communities and stakeholders

(5) Local relationships and long-term trust-building: [Capacities 2.1-2.3, 4.1-4.2, 4.5]

• Develop cross-sector/scale and cross-disciplinary trust through networks and collaborations, including as an independent adviser, intermediary and facilitator; providing a safe space for collective learning and negotiation of conflict; and open knowledge-sharing and collaboration with other knowledge/research providers and hubs

  1. Potential scope is based on the FEA process outcomes that led to the National Strategy proposal for a network of K&I Hubs, and the range of urban capacities potentially supported (see Table 1: Col. 3 at National Strategy S2.2). Mapping is shown to capacities in the EUST framework (Table 2)