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Table 3 Illustrative examples of transactive interventions

From: Conceptualizing the potential of entrepreneurship to shape urban sustainability transformations

An illustration of an internal transactive intervention is provided by a sustainability-oriented construction company in Toronto, Canada. The intervention consists of measuring employee waste output and impacts during home renovation jobs. This strategy is fundamental to the personal beliefs of the president, who founded the company with the intention of developing a holistic approach to home renovations that would reduce environmental impact. The business model was extended to the realm of employee practices. Employees are asked to track their work travel, food waste, and types of containers used at work. Employees are encouraged to find alternatives to fossil fuel-based transport and decrease food packaging and waste for lunches and snacks.

An illustration of external transactive intervention is provided by a social entrepreneur in a property management and design firm in Brixton (London), the UK. The company provides a temporary space for local independent small businesses and community interest companies to learn about entrepreneurship and grow their businesses. This is important because a combination of financial, social, experiential and cultural factors limit these companies from seeking out traditional avenues to start businesses. To support local entrepreneurs in overcoming barriers to development, the property and design firm provides short-term leases at reduced rental rates as compared to market rates, services to assist in developing business plans, and network opportunities to grow, enhance business literacy, and build local community support. One major outcome is that the council, in consultation with the property and design firm, is discussing potential areas to expand this model across the borough.