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Table 1 Perspectives on urban transformations

From: Perspectives on urban transformation research: transformations in, of, and by cities

Descriptor of urban transformation

Transformation in cities

Transformation of cities

Transformation by cities

Key overarching questions guiding research and knowledge translation to policy and practice

How do urban transformations unfold, and how can urban transformations be supported towards sustainable and resilient urban systems?

Which factors, processes and dynamics drive place-based transformations in cities?

Why do transformations occur and are supported in a specific context?

How do transformations affect urban (sub-)systems?

What are synergies, trade-offs, vulnerabilities and thresholds?

How do change dynamics in cities impact their hinterland and other distant territories?

How do transformations travel between places and across scales?

System focus

Cities are complex, adaptive and open social-ecological-technological systems (SETS)

Focus on cities as spaces and places of transformations that are geolocated and socially constructed, heterogeneous, multi-regime entities

Focus on functional urban (sub-)systems (e.g. economy, energy, transport, food, healthcare, housing) as the foci or the cogs of transformative changes

Focus on cities as agents of change due to being open systems and networks of global resource flows, commodities, communication and governance

System dynamics

Multi-dimensional, cross-sectoral and cross-scale factors and dynamics drive urban transformations, causing risk, uncertainty, inertia, break-down and innovation

Focus on (social construction of) local and translocal driving forces and barriers of place-based urban transformations

Focus on outcomes of system dynamics in urban (sub-)systems, including synergies, trade-offs, vulnerabilities and thresholds

Focus on dynamics and outcomes between cities and their hinterland or other distant territories (e.g. teleconnections, urban ecological footprint)

Agency and governance

Urban transformations are multi-actor, contested processes. Urban governance targets cities as geographical and administrative entities, but is embedded within multi-level governance structures and networks.

Transformative capacity of urban actors to develop and scale innovations

Experimental, place-based governance approaches (e.g. living labs)

Orchestration of multi-actor activities and cross-sectoral and cross-scale partnerships

Polycentric and multilevel governance approaches, including transnational city networks