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Table 2 Space allocation mechanisms and appropriation practices for the EU as a whole

From: The legal street: a scarcity approach to urban open space in mobility transitions

Type of Space

Automobile space

Bicycle space

Pedestrian and other space

Type of claim

Circulatory space

Dormant space

Circulatory space

Dormant space

Allocation Mechanism

Strong – car access is a legal pre-requisite of building regulations

Strong - Guaranteed by parking minimums and stabilized by international treaty; access free or through payment

Weak – No wide-spread guarantee of access

Weak – No widespread regulation of availability or dimensions; access often informal

Weak – No widespread regulation or set of minimum standards

Appropriation Practice

Strong – high overall mode share

Strong – high occupancy rate, well documented as revenue source

Weak – low overall mode share

Weak – lack of data on occupancy rate, little to no revenue
