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Table 5 Indicators used in the analysis of exposure and vulnerability changes across time and space

From: Shifting landscapes of coastal flood risk: environmental (in)justice of urban change, sea level rise, and differential vulnerability in New York City

Risk component

Indicator name

Source dataset - field


Number of Buildings

MapPluto - NumBldgs

Number of Residential Units

MapPluto - UnitsRes

Residential area

MapPluto - ResArea

Industrial area

MapPluto - FactryArea

Commercial area

MapPluto - ComArea

Office area

MapPluto - OfficeArea

Total Land Value

MapPLUTO - AssessTot

Total Population

ACS - B01001

Proportion of the population being people of color

ACS - B03002


Population above 25 years old who didn’t attend school

ACS - B15003

Language isolated adults (speaks English “not well” and “not at all”)

ACS - 16,004

Elderly population (+ 65 years old) living alone

ACS - B09021

Households living below the poverty level

ACS - B17017

Households without a car

ACS - 25,044

Rental households

ACS - B25003

Single parents

ACS - B09002

Population within vulnerable ages (below 15 years old, above 65 years old)

ACS - B01001

Median income

ACS - B19013